Monday, December 5, 2011

Breaking things

No one can blame you
when you break curfew
& step outside.

Nothing to say
when you break your fast
& cast hunger aside.

Less governed & brethren
let’s not mind
when governors & clergy toe the line
 to which only theirs is tied.

No one can blame you
when you break curfew
& step outside.

Nothing to lay down
when laws & odds
have no chance.

Nothing to do
when the only crowned
are fungi networks
tangled through & through.

Nothing to say
when you break your fast
& cast hunger aside.

No one can blame you
when you break curfew
& step outside.


  1. I like this a lot. Reading "Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front" by Wendell Berry lately ( and feeling some kindred energy about taking space, taking personal liberty with confidence. Both poems feel good in the heart to read.

  2. Daniel-thanks for that & the link
