Monday, December 5, 2011

IMUNURI prompt: Onion Rhyme

Write a poem that uses rhyme after the pattern inside an onion.
In other words, the two lines in the middle of your poem should rhyme. The lines before and after this central couplet should rhyme with each other. The lines before and after the central quatrain should rhyme with each other, and so on, outward, so that the first and last lines of the poem rhyme with each other. (You will probably be writing an even number of lines.)

Sample rhyme schemes:
6 lines: abccba
10 lines: abcdeedcba
20 lines: abcdefghijjihgfedcba
52 lines: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedbca

keywords: onion, poem, your name

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