Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Prompt: Play the Recombinant Poetics Game, Spokes and Bridges

During these days of poetic connection, let's take poetic inspiration from a brainchild of Bill Seaman (Fields of Meaning/Becoming in Recombinant Poetics, 1998) regarding electronic poetics: 

PS - don't forget the great Imunuri Portland readings & interactive happenings --  this coming Saturday (6pm, Bipartisan Cafe) and Sunday (7pm, TaborSpace)... 

Poets, this week, post brief haiku-length nodes then comment (with interlinks to which other posts you're responding to) and spoke and bridge to others' in an expanding web and weave.  - See more directions and context below.

Tags: poem, spoke, [poet's moniker]

bill seamanseptember 30th 1998
Recombinant Poetics:
spokes and bridges

~Seed Nodes:
~associative nodes / pivot modes
~interpenetration mode
~a generation of enfolded fields
~a kluged engine of foci
~folding concentrations
~slippery language / conjunctions of the pivot engines
~meta-associative vessels
~loading the fields
~the distributed meta-field
~a poetics of refined meta-slippage
~a poetics of coming together and falling apart
~the device of chaotic reserves
~the forming of statements having simultaneous force values
~multi valued-logic / poly-valence
~a grafting of nomenclatures
~fragments of non-related discourses / association bridges
~a direction that finds itself / a field of fields
~a proximity of collision constructions
~the forming of informed modules - informed bridges

~Each participant will form a short focused node (Haiku length).
~Each participant will form a short focused bridge from their node to to three other nodes (created by the participants) - (each Haiku length).

This will be ongoing. The bridge may lead away or toward. The bridge may pivot or collapse. The bridge may inform or disinform. The bridge may fold. The function of the bridge may be inventive. The participant will be mindfully/aware of how each bridge functions in proximity.

Using email as a generator - copy 3 nodes / form a bridge node from each of
these nodes to your own "Seed Node"
Abstract from http://ensemble.va.com.au/enslogic/text/seaman.htm

From Seaman, Bill. (1998, September 30). Fields of Meaning / Becoming in Recombinant Poetics [Essay]. Invited essay from a larger work. Teri Hoskin (Curator), Ensemble Logic + Choragraphy: Electronic poetics.  Retrieved from: http://ensemble.va.com.au/enslogic/text/smn_lct.htm. 

Larger set of 8 responses to the prompt of recombinant poetics: http://ensemble.va.com.au/enslogic/

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