Tuesday, November 30, 2010

why there is still hope for us to reconnect with our source-body-self-earth

with thanks to the online etymological dictionary

these are my sins: (and their true meaning)

sin (with; truth)
sincere (of one growth, sound, pure, whole, with the crescenting moon)
sinecure (without care)
since (in the evening)
sine qua non (an indispensable condition)
sinews (to bend)
sing (voice, oracle, incantation)
single (individual unbroken)
singular (remarkably good, unusually rare)
singultus (a sob)
sinister (more useful, more advantageous, veering leftward)
sinuous (curving)

no no i mean these are my syns:

syn (together with)
syncopate (to shorten)
synergy, synergetic, synergistic (to work together, cooperating)
syncopy (to cut through)
scintillate (to spark)
synaesthesia (sense with)
synapse (clasp, fasten, junction)
synaptive (connected, copulative)
synchronistic (simultaneous)
synchronized (same timing)
sinclinal (to lean together)
syncretic (reconciling different beliefs)
synagogue (to gather together)
syndic (publically advocate)
synecdoche (part for whole)
synechia (continuity, to hold with)
synonymous (having the same name)
synopsis (to see all together)
syntactic (ordered, arranged with intention)
synthesis (put together)

succulent (to suck the juice)
snuffaluffagus (shaggy lumbering goddess)
sesquiquadrate (two celestial bodies separated by 135 degrees)
cinquant (fifty; homonym: 5 aunts)
cinq (five)

please praise my sins/syns/scins/skins, for they are magnificent and holy, praising creation


  1. Well this is not exactly a palimpsest by design, although it did come to me while driving, waiting in a wrecked area for the car to roll, which is kind of like being in a train station?

    Warning: please thicken the skin (scin/syn) for those trending to offense...

  2. This is one of those poems I wish I'd written. I'm very attracted to the style of wordplay, the inventiveness of this spontaneous form, its symmetry...Esther Williams comes to mind for some reason...Swimmetry...the poem's repeated syllable(s) almost read like choreography. I'm transported by the mantra and its spinnings/synnings into the train of meanings over three innings...

  3. Do you like cinema too?
