Sunday, November 7, 2010

Simultaneity Disambiguation


These are times of listening within
along with the expanding out,
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves
which is always there,
into the field where all things
of the very thing that is ours
are available and free,
pure and clear. Our familiar states
because there is no yours or mine.
are those small platforms
we stop on in mid-air
Can you feel how that is so?
when we perceive we have no room
to move, no other option. How do
We land again and again and again,
we agree to remain in those states
when our true state of pure beingness
such that landing just is, with no landed.
has never been anywhere else but here,
the very ground, the matter and
And from that which is not static,
substance of all seeing, every action,
every breath and non-breath.
we return, without need of returning,
Singularity becomes disentangled
and simultaneously also conjoined.
to ourselves, whole, unique, individual.

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