Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On shooting insulin before you can eat (or five prompts for dinner)

Unzip the test kit. Uncap the test strip holder. Take a test strip out of the plastic cylindrical holder. Take out the pricker unit. Set the trigger. Lightly press the pricker on the finger tip with the least purple pinpricks. Release the trigger. Ouch. Tiny needle pierces your finger tip. Flinch Your red blood flows Slide your finger along the edge of the test strip so your blood collects on the strip. Use other hand to close tissue over the bleeding finger and press. Watch the meter for the number that is never good enough. Take the shooter insulin pen out of the pouch and key in the dose 16mg. for a higher carb meal (yes noodles yum). Screw in the needle point and press it against belly, push needle into soft stomach tissues. Press with constant pressure the protruding knob dial until dose has been administered. Pull the needle out. Yeah now I get to eat. (all this is actually in real life sped up real automatic and fast because who wants to wait to eat food.)

1 comment:

  1. Intense and interesting prosepoem, J. I enjoy how the prosaic directions give way to personal perspectives, interjections, and then the fast camera-work of the last parenthetical. In all, it engagements from from start to finish.
