Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its Own Wonder


The dark left as itself
impresses upon me a whole,
a depth incomparable,
a wonderment beyond
what typically is taken
as the simple absence of light

For the dark is itself
a deep nourishing, a salve
to my bones and beingness as
I walk in the dark, sampling
this exquisite treat of the
unnameable senses

True would be the loss
to suffer nyctalopia*, although
many do without knowing
this condition is theirs,
we've become so blind
within the hierarchy of light


Dusk finds the ground within
such that surfaces dissolve
give way to the softer core heat
This communication begins
its emanation, naming each
thing anew as dark arises
In contrast, intentioned light
overshadows and can carelessly enter
the exquisiteness of the dark
where naturally listening things
recede into their essential
incognito. The dusk is that listening


What do we have in common
with the dark? Are we not dark,
dark in our marrow, in our quiet,

in so many yet to be
realized ways?

And how are we similar to a flame?
The flame, kin to the dark, is it not
ever tender to the shadows?
Lighting a flame, our dark
dances within, with, and around us.


As a sweet melancholy
unlike anything
I am drawn to take to the dark,

an exquisite entry

A prescription unique,
a remembering

walking forward looking deeply

eyes open and open again,the vastness of the dark field,
to deeply see
what cannot be seen
what cannot

be perceived
through a different wonder.

*nyctalopia |ˌniktəˈlōpēə|
noun ~ the inability to see in dim light or at night. Also called night blindness .


  1. Wow, re-reading this, I savor these fabulous lines, Janice, brava brava on capturing the ineffable:

    in ii:

    "Dusk finds the ground within
    such that surfaces dissolve
    give way to the softer core heat
    This communication begins
    its emanation, naming each
    thing anew as dark arises"

    "where naturally listening things
    recede into their essential
    incognito. The dusk is that listening"

    Also in iii (loving the cadence and the line breaks as well here):

    "What do we have in common
    with the dark? Are we not dark,
    dark in our marrow, in our quiet,
    in so many yet to be
    realized ways?"

    "Lighting a flame, our dark
    dances within"

    in iiii, I am drawn with you too:

    "As a sweet melancholy
    unlike anything
    I am drawn to take to the dark"

  2. Dear Scooter,
    I so appreciate your seeing. My appreciations follow lately, much delayed. I see I am rather self-absorbed and have not, yet, learned the art of the kind of careful, clear, celebratory commenting that you bring in your reading/seeing. Maybe it's not too late! Is a year and half later too late to speak this now?
