Saturday, November 12, 2011

homing devices

i wish for ribbons in a robin nest
something cozy, before the wind howled.
some place subtle, some place blessed
scooched in close, safe from scowl.

certain raft in cedar, incensed
by wood not ire. neither foul
nor rancid fleshed, peaceful sense
of home. less growl, more owl;

less jowl and teeth, more pal and fleece
less crawl and grief, more valley and motif.
less gall and more belief
less mal, more green leaf.

these are the blessings the waifs did seek
even child ghosts search for succor and relief.
coming to the window of years-long house:
to this day, we leave dishes of milk.


  1. I like the title & the last line a lot

  2. I so appreciate this and your strength and agility in leaning on the words and their sounds to guide and help ease you into the difficult caves of memory.
